(A reflection on the readings of the day: Acts 13:26-33 and John 14:1-6.)
To us this word of salvation has been given.
We have heard the story of Jesus life, the death sentence he received, and – the utterly unexpected words of Mary “He is risen from the dead” – we are his witnesses – and we spend a lifetime pondering “what does it mean to rise from the dead.
Jesus has said many things to us. We have walked with him – and with one another along the road of life and still we say with Thomas “Master, we do not know where we are going – much less where you are going; how can we know the way?” “And what is this place you are preparing for us?”
And Jesus replies “I am the way. I am the place. I am the life. I am in you and you are in me. We walk together, one with all humanity toward an unimaginable future where the place will be a person “in whom we will live and move and have our being.”