The Archives at the Monastery contain many valuable historical documents. Here are a few of them.
- Profession and vows made in Hoogstraet Carmel by Mother Bernardina Matthews in 1755.
- Chandlers Hope, the home of Charles Neale, uncle of the Matthews sisters, where community life began for Baltimore Carmel on July 21, 1790.
- Back of Chandlers Hope
- Two of the regional “houses” which were part of Port Tobacco Monastery (picture circa 1930s).
- Sketch of Port Tobacco Monastery
- Land Map showing parcel belonging to Charles Neale which was used as first lodging for Carmelites in 1790.
- The deed for Chandlers Hope with the seal of Cecilius Calvert, Lord Baltimore.
- The seal of Cecilius Calvert, Lord Baltimore on the Chandlers Hope deed.
- Painting of Mother Clare Joseph Dickinson (1800) that hangs in Ancestor's Hall at the Baltimore Carmel.
- Mother Bernardina Matthews’ Death Notice
- Mass cruet given by the Canary Island Poor Clares during the Carmelite Voyage to America.
- Other Artifacts
- Other Artifacts
- Manuscript of Mother Mary Margaret Brent on being a superior, early 1780’s.
- Letter from Bishop John Carroll, 1795, to Mother Bernardina Matthews
- Sampler stitched by Mary Jane Hammersley when a student at Georgetown Visitation Academy, 1789. Mary Jane was professed as a Carmelite in 1794 as Sr. Joseph of the Sacred Heart.
- School Prospectus
- This chart shows the descent of Baltimore Carmel, from Anne of St. Bartholomew and Anne of Jesus.
- Ciborium, Chalice and Altar Stone used on ships when nuns came to America in 1790.
- Ciborium used on ship in 1790
- Drawing of Biddle Street Monastery (1873-1961)
- First Profession of Religious Vows made in the 13 Original States (Teresa Carbery, May 1, 1792)
- Sr. Connie, archivist, holds original Profession Book